Day 8 (February 24, 2023):

We knew the ride back to Cartagena would be rough, as the afternoon winds pick up considerably. But we had no idea the rear of the boat would be THAT wet!! We were drenched. 

As the open bay was too rough on the ride back to Cartagena, we took a more sheltered route through a mangrove forest. 

This is Leo from a compassion Colombia. What a guy!  Wow, did he ever work hard all week. He organized everything for the group. And on day two, we realized it was Leo who had taken us to Pablo Neruda in 2010 to first meet Arnold and his family. Little did we know back then that we’d meet up with him 12 years later!

These are two gifted young musicians - pianist (left) and singer (right) - from the Compassion project at Bet-El Centro Cristiano two days ago. What beautiful and gifted human beings!  They joined us for the day at the resort. 

This is the director of the Compassion Project at Bocachica. She knows Alvaro, the seven-year old we sponsored when we visited the project earlier this week. She also joined us for the day at the resort. 


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